Warm Sunlight

Transform Human ​Design concepts into

Client-Centered ​Readings

ENrollment Closed

The three narratives ​of imposter mindset

That keep aspiring Human Design readers from emerging

Number 1

What if I give inaccurate ​or wrong information to ​clients? I’m not good at ​this so I’ll let the ​professional do the ​readings.

Number 2

What if other readers ​judge me for what I ​don’t know? I’m scared ​to post anything about ​Human Design on my ​social media.

Number 3

What if people don’t like ​my readings? If I start ​changing for Human ​Design readings and ​they don’t like it, I don’t ​know what to do.

Doing your first Human Design readings is tough, especially ​when you’re doing it alone.

Luminous abstract sparkling

So, why pursue doing Human ​Design readings for others?

Here’s a few reasons 👇🏼

🤩#1 There are different reading ​styles.

Not all Human Design readers are built the same (because if we were, it defeats the ​purpose of Human Design, right?) There are different styles and approaches to ​Human Design.

Two common styles are intuitive and calculative readers.

Intuitive ones go “off-script” and pull from intuitive hits. Calculative readers base ​sessions on textbook material. Neither is better/worse than the other.

😲#2: Clients don’t ask about your ​Human Design certifications.

Your certification is meaningless to your paying clients because they’re here for ​readings, not to debate your knowledge of your system.

If they are choosing you to be their reader of choice, it’s because of your relatability and ​approachability and because they want to.

🗣️#3: You’re here to integrate not ​imitate.

Anyone can say “Projectors must wait for an invitation.” That’s basic Human Design.

But if you’re talking to a mom of a Projector, how can that mom understand their child’s ​type? If you’re talking to a business owner, how can they get clients through invitations?

Clients don’t need you to repeat the stuff they’ve found online. They want you to speak ​about the system to them, human to human, so they can integrate Human Design into ​their lives.

🪐#4: Your clients are desperate for ​fresh content.

Human Design was conceived in 1987. That’s almost forty years ago! Do you see why ​your clients are craving another approach to Human Design?

You’re part of the next generation of emerging Human Design readers because you’re ​offering an updated perspective versus content from 1987. Your contribution and ​insights answer what people are asking for today.

🙊#5: Memorizing Human Design isn’t ​Reading Human Design.

Children are taught to outscore other students in standardized tests to get a ​competitive advantage.

As adults, we hold onto this conditioning thinking that memorization of standard ​material = success.

Memorization doesn’t matter in reading charts. Every Human Design reader ​references their textbooks as a refresher.

Your role is to read the chart, not perform through how much you have ​memorized.

I still whip out textbooks mid-session so I can reference the information I was ​looking for without disrupting the flow of the reading.

Clients don't care about memorization (they'll still come back for more ​readings!)

🌋#6 Clients are more understanding ​about mistakes than you think.

Whether you mistyped their birth information or you mixed something up in their ​chart, clients understand. They know you’re a human being, too.

All you have to do is be honest about it and fix it.

And if you said something about Human Design but over time, you don’t agree ​with it anymore, that’s natural. It happens.

🎉#7 You can celebrate other ​Human Design readers

Yes, there will be Human Design readers who disagree or even get nasty about ​other people’s ideas- but they are few and far and between.

Most Human Design content creators and readers are rooting for you as another ​person bringing their power to the system.

My clients are sometimes clients of other readers.

I start every session by asking them what they took away from their other ​reader so I can continue where they left off on their journey.

It’s like a co-reading with a bit of time travel.

🌊#8 Depth is more useful than ​knowing it all

Once you understand how to show your client their strategy and authority, the ​rest is learning what interests you.

If you love the ajna center, learn all about that ajna center, its gates, etc.

If you love profiles, learn the lines, each profile, etc.

You can always learn “more” later.

🙏🏼#9 Saying “I don’t know” or “Not my ​area of expertise” is okay!

Approaching readings with honesty is the most anyone can ask of you. If you do ​readings but stick to strategy and authority, that’s still a reading!

Be honest if something isn’t your area of focus– it doesn’t tarnish your ​credibility.

Each center in the bodygraph is attributed to specific physiological parts of the ​body.

I don’t talk about this at all. I know what the associations are due to textbooks ​but I have no interest in talking about it in session.

💕#10 Chart reading is like a muscle– ​it gets easier with consistency.

Sunlight Overlay

Human Design Dialogue is a 6-​Week Live Group Program for ​the next generation of Human ​Design readers.

In these six weeks, you're supported in a collaborative environment ​alongside readers sharing your journey.

We'll go over the concepts of Human Design and how to implement ​them in the way you work with your clients:

🪴Layering (not “laying!”) the Groundwork: The kickstart process to ​begin your readings

📖Interpretation Styles: Every reader who looks at the same chart ​sees something different. Develop the style that works for you, your ​energy level, and comfort.

💕Navigating Sensitive Topics: Your clients are vulnerable when you ​read their charts. Create your compassion toolkit to give your client ​space while protecting your boundaries.

📚️Using Human Design Textbooks: So you have the textbooks and ​millions of blog posts to work with. We’ll go over how to use them as ​reference manuals and how to tie the information together.

👩🏽‍🤝‍👩🏻Guiding Clients With Everyday Human Design Application: They ​don’t want you to repeat the same stuff they’ve already Googled. ​They you to show them how to use and apply Human Design.

Inside Your Enrollment

Two coffee cups


Retro Sticker TV


Flat Simple Textured Video Call on Tablet


Happy woman sitting on couch holding cup of hot beverage vector flat illustration. Relaxed female enjoying weekend at cozy home isolated on white. Smiling girl spending time with cat feeling calmness




Handdrawn Loose Simple Real Estate Spot Keys


Prism Refraction

  • $800 pay in full
  • $200 x 4 months
  • $160 x 6 months

Enrollment Closed

Purchase Options

Smiling Woman Office Worker Sitting at Desk, Looking at Laptop Screen and Making Notes during Online Conference

Yo​ur Bonuses:

  • 30-minute 1:1 call with me to ask ​anything about chart reading and ​serving clients.

  • Brain Fart Cheat Sheet: for those ​“oh crap!” moments when you ​need a quick reference mid-​session.
Medal Gaming Block and Flat Icon

14 Day

Money Back Guarantee

Not sure if you’re ready?

Enroll now and take a “trial run,” exploring the first two weeks of Human Design Dialogues.

That’s the first two weeks of technical videos, live Q&A, and enjoying your new ​supportive community of fellow readers.

If you’re not satisfied and aligned with the program for any reason, email us at ​hello@thewildpixel.com within 14 days of the start date of the program (the last day for a ​refund is January 30th, 2024), and we’ll give you a full refund.

No questions asked, no explanation needed.

Warm Sunlight


What happens after I purchase?

After you submit your purchase, you’ll receive a thank you email with your receipt.

On January 8th 2024, you’ll receive your login information and instructions to access the ​program and community. You’ll also get access to your bonuses on this day. The first official ​day is January 15th, 2024.

Do I need additional material?

Everything you need is included in your purchase, including a Human Design textbook. Any ​additional material is up to you!

The textbook includes: type, authority, centers, gates, channels, planets, profiles, digestion, ​environment, motivation, cognition, and perspective.

Do I need prior knowledge of Human Design?

While a foundational understanding of type and authority is beneficial, the course ​accommodates varying levels of familiarity. You’ll have all of the theoretical knowledge ​included in the textbook. The course will show you how to implement them in sessions.

Will I be able to receive personal feedback?

You can share your questions with the community inside our private app, or you can ask ​during the live Q&A days. I will also be answering questions alongside your peers! Since ​Human Design is perceived differently by every person, having group answers gives you ​options and perspectives to work with.

How much time should I dedicate to this group program each ​week?

I recommend setting aside 2-3 hours per week for the technical video, live Q&A, community ​discussions, and personal time to experiment with the material.

How does this course differ from other reader programs/courses?

First, there is no certification from this program. While certifications can be helpful, Human ​Design Dialogues takes the approach of implementing and using the system to work with ​clients. We support individual approaches instead of certifying a specific technique.

Second, this program encourages a reader-first approach, meaning that your unique skills ​and experiences are highlighted. This is the most important tool in your kit.

Lastly, this program includes a support system. You are given space to experiment and ​explore without being told to do things differently. You are invited to ask and share with other o​pen-minded emerging readers.

the creator

heyo! im Fiona

I started doing readings five years ago. Armed ​with a few textbooks, DIY courses, and an ​imposter mindset, I got my first clients from a ​Facebook post.

It was mortifying but the rush gave me a “yep, ​you’re on the right track” after each session.

But the Human Design industry isn’t the same ​today as it was when I started. Back then, you ​had to scrape the corners of the internet and ​get certified to access Human Design content.

Now, all Human Design information is ​available at your fingertips. But, there are ​minimal explanations of how to use the ​information.

I created Human Design Dialogues to work with ​emerging readers and develop their reading ​styles.

This group program is also a support system ​led by an active Human Design reader (me). ​The small community offers a space to ask, ​share, and be honored in your process.

Hope to see you in the group program

All the love,


Bokeh Dust



Email us anytime at ​hello@thewildpixel.com

(c) THE WILD PIXEL LLC 2023-2024